Meet the Prosultant®

Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.

J.M. Barrie

Hi, I'm George, a retired management consultant and business capability leader turned software and AI engineer and author-creator of the Prosultant® management advisory network:

My past roles include:

  • Sr. Advisor, The ROIG Group
  • Capability Leader, Accenture
  • Director, Best Buy
  • Partner, Ernst & Young

After graduating from the University of Missouri at Columbia with an accounting degree, my early career included system analyst roles at:

  • McDonnell-Douglas (now Boeing)
  • Ralston Purina (now Nestlé)

Why did I Create the Prosultant® Management Advisory Network?

As a business professional, I understand the challenges and complexities of managing technology projects and improving ROI. I created this network to share my knowledge and experience and to help others navigate these challenges more effectively.

Many organizations haven't realized three critical needs for increasing performance and value.

1. Improve Relationships Between Business and IT

I created the Prosultant® Network for business professionals to successfully engage, navigate, and influence technology projects and avoid the quagmire often associated with those projects. It's not another methodology. Instead, it's a framework of business thinking, organizing, behavior, and action, aka TOBA™, to successfully achieve project and business capability outcomes.

Prosultant® is a compilation of my project and business capability experience, supplemented by industry research.

Whether you're a business professional seeking a higher degree of engagement and influence on technology projects or an IS team member wanting to elevate the quality of project outcomes, Prosultant® provides the know-how to achieve your goals.

My first customer was the Manager of Labor Accounting at McDonnell Aircraft Company (now part of Boeing.) He was a crusty, seasoned individual who did not want anything to do with our internal IS department, Department 35, Systems & Procedures. Fresh from college, my job was to gain his trust and cooperation in supporting his business needs so we could succeed.

Forty+ years later, I still encounter business professionals who want nothing to do with their internal IS groups.

Capability Thinking® solves the three vital needs above by instilling differentiating masteries, principles, and disciplines in capability teams embedded in business operations, not IT.

A Unique Professional Perspective

The Prosultant® Network is an aggregation of thinking, organizing, behaving, and acting disciplines based on my experiences and lessons learned from:

Most of those 600+ assignments delivered successful outcomes. A handful were not so successful.

Failure is part of learning and progressing.

A Varied Amateur Perspective

Embrace amateur passions to invigorate your professional career.

My amateur interests and experiences have included:

One of my doodles 🙂